Wednesday, 29 August 2012

My Holiday

Last Weekend, we went on a holiday to Guilderton. It was a great holiday, even though it lasted 3 days. We went down the river fishing, we didn't catch any fish but we did go up the sand dunes. While Chelsey was 'burying' Dad, I climbed up the sand dunes. While up the top I rolled down and I got a bad headache :D.  

The Next day, we went to the country club. I was amazed because the restaurant (not bar) was run by one waiter and one chef! It was delicious though.

On the last day, after my dad came back from his fishing attempt, he told us that he saved a group of Asians from drowning. I'm not sure I believe him though :P.

Thursday, 16 August 2012


Today, we started doing glogster. We are researching a famous immigrant who came to Australia. I am doing Frank Lowy. I have finished my Glog while everyone else is struggling doing theirs. I have a link to my glog

Riddle Gully

Sorry, I haven't been on blogger for long. I have been mainly on holiday or just away. Today, I did Maths. We did a couple of quick fraction tests today which were really easy. In English, we are reading a novel sent to us through newspapers. The book is called Mystery at Riddle Gully. It is about a girl called Pollo Di Nozi who wants to get a cadetship at the local newspaper. Meanwhile, a boy called Will who is having troubles with his new stepfather 'Harry Butt'. Will sprays graffiti on a wall 'offending' Harry and almost gets in trouble.